YEU’s Superheroes of Climate Change Project has officially come to an end

The Superheroes of Climate Change Project has officially come to an end.

Between the 27th of November and the 2nd of December, 30 participants who had taken part in the previous activities of this project came together in Brussels for the evaluation meeting of Superheroes of Climate Change. 

The aim of this activity was to assess the impact of the storytelling campaigns that the participants implemented in their local communities and to provide them the opportunity to not only develop policy recommendations on green agenda mainstreaming at the local and European levels, but also to share these recommendations and the results of the project with key stakeholders in the field. 

As such, on the 30th of November, 2022, our Superheroes got to meet representatives from The European Environmental Bureau, Climate Action Network Europe, Generation Climate Europe, the European Volunteer Centre and from the European Commission – European Year of Youth 2022. 

This was a great opportunity for the participants to reconnect once again and to explore Brussels, as well as get to know what opportunities are awaiting them in YEU. 

From our side, we can’t wait to see them again in future YEU activities!

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