CID’s Training course for teachers on youth activism and volunteerism for community-level outreach

Training course for teachers on youth activism and volunteerism for community-level outreach was organized in Berovo in November 2022. 43 high school teachers coming from Kumanovo, Skopje and Strumica took part and through interactive activities learned a lot about the strategies used to engage young people and motivate them to be active citizens and make changes in their local communities.

The participants that attended this training course learned about all the ways to develop and strengthen their skills for acting within their community and raising awareness about the importance of youth activism and volunteerism. The participants were also taught how to establish programs for youth activism using non formal ways of education. One of the main goals of the training course was to give high school teachers easy applying tips and tricks and help them be good mentors for their students by using strategies for helping students identify issues they are passionate about, and how to turn that passion into activism. Other results the project was aiming at achieving were to establish mechanism that will ease the process of making changes and will give opportunity for cooperation between young activist/volunteers and municipalities and local authorities.

Participants had the chance to discuss a lot about the topics related to youth activism and volunteerism, share their experiences and thoughts, make plans and share ideas about all the ways and strategies they are going to implement in their local communities in order to motivate the high school students to become activists that are making initiatives and are bringing the desired changes. The strong motivation and willingness of the teachers to contribute with their experience in preparing to work with students on designing projects that address youth issues in their local communities was really remarkable.

One of the participants shared her experience with us: “Through the training course I received confirmation of the framework and steps/phases – during the application and implementation of project activities, new knowledge about realization, importance of the mentor and mentoring in the field of youth activism.”

*The training course was organized in the framework of the project “Youth – agents of change”, financed by the European Union and implemented by Center for Intercultural Dialogue in partnership with Scout Association of Macedonia and Center for research and analysis NOVUS from Strumica.

For more pictures click here.

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