Youth Exchange “Youth access to rights through implementing the SDGs” in KENYA

36 people coming from North Macedonia, Turkey, Belgium, Cameroon, Kenya and Italy joined the youth exchange in Diani, Kenya from 26-31 October 2022. This youth exchange is part of the project “Youth access to rights through implementing the SDGs”. Precisely, the participants were coming from the following organizations: Center for intercultural dialogue (CID) – North Macedonia, YOUTH FOR EXCHANGE AND UNDERSTANDING INTERNATIONAL AISBL – Belgium, WORLD VISION FOR EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT – Cameroon, TOPLUM GONULLULERI VAKFI – Turkey, KENYA SCOUTS ASSOCIATION – Kenya and FONDAZIONE ISTITUTO MORCELLIANO – Italy.

The participants that attended the youth exchange were learning more about the human rights, relevant documents and institutions who are supporting the human rights, the SDGs and the most relevant SDGs for the young people. In addition, the participants were divided into few groups and were working on a specific group of human rights and their relation with the specific SDGs. Furthermore, in the final days the participants within their groups developed the diverse campaigns aiming to raise the awareness among the young people about the human rights and SDGs and to motivate them to engage within those campaigns. The campaigns varied from infographics to different videos and presentations. The campaigns are envisaged to be implemented when they will go back at their countries.

As part of the program, there was encompassed the international evening where the participants presented their own country, their culture, tradition, habits, history, authentic places and there was served a specific food that is typical for each country respectively.

Below you can read some statements from the participants:

We’ve had a good interaction during the youth exchange program it is nice to come together and have meaningful and objective discussions towards solutions on issues that are affecting young people and it’s good to have discussions on the SDG’s, access on human rights and understanding in regards of young people and to see how we can play a critical role for creating a more sustainable tomorrow.

-Sheldon, Kenya

I am so happy for being part of this youth exchange and I really enjoyed the activities from getting to know each other’s, to working in groups, sharing ideas with youth from different countries around the world, sharing experiences, sharing data on human rights, youth participation, SDG’s and I am so happy to have all of this data.

-Felicita, Cameroon

I am here in Kenya enjoying the nature, the amazing people, the amazing activities and I am very thankful for this opportunity.

Seda, Italy

I had the chance to discover such an amazing country because is so alive the nature and the culture is in perfect harmony with the nature it was really enchanting experience for me.

Selim, Türkiye

You can find more photos from Youth exchange HERE.

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