Natalija on her Job shadowing opportunity in Novo mesto, Slovenia

How should I start… For the first time I came to Slovenia in September for a project in Metlika, and I promised myself that in a short period of time I would come back to Slovenia. It happened just as I imagined. From my organization Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID), I got the chance to go to Novo mesto for a job shadowing opportunity for a 3-week period of time.

When I got the call from Besart, without even second thinking it, I said yes and so began my preparation for the new adventure and experience in my life. I traveled from Kumanovo to Zagreb, from Zagreb to Novo mesto on a 16h long journey, however, the trip paid off. Miroslav, Aljaz, Ester and Franja gave me the warmest welcome. After the first coffee and after they showed me around the city of Novo mesto, I settled into my apartment and home for the next 3 weeks. The first day was for resting and preparation for what follows.

My task in Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (DRPD) is to work in the youth center. We work together with high school students, helping them adapt and learn school subjects. DRPD is an organization led by President Branka Bukovec, which strives to facilitate the adaptation of migrants in Novo mesto by offering them assistance in learning, adapting to a new environment, learning the language, etc.

My colleagues are Miroslav and Ester who are also my coordinators; Aljaz, Andraz and Denis with whom we work together in the youth center. The first week went well, we worked with children, we attended the project “New entrepreneurs in Europe for a better life in the future”. We used our free time to explore Novo mesto, visit Tabor which is a children’s camp and of course visit the beautiful Ljubljana.

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