CID’s Local workshops on youth activism within the YAMNFL project

Four Local workshops on youth activism within the YAMNFL project took place in our youth center MultiКулти, from the 13th -19th of November and they were held by our Youth Ambassador Natalija Cvetkovska, together with our Job Shadower Andjela Gogic, with the help of our project Coordinator Besart Shabani.

The workshops included interactive work of peer educators and more than 100 workshop participants on various topics such as non-formal education, activism, opportunities for applying and implementing youth projects. Within the workshop participants grasped the concept of non-formal education, the benefits that it brings and ways of its application.

During the local workshop, two of the main projects results have been promoted:

  • YANFL research on recognition and validation of non-formal learning in EU, WB and Turkey
  • Catalogue of inspiring stories about non-formal education with research activities

We also had the chance to talk about the JobShadowing opportunity from Andjela Gogic and her experience in our organization.
Same as Andjela, our volunteer Natalija Cvetkovska took the chance to talk about her volunteering moments in CID and her selection on being the Job Shadower in Novo Mesto, Slovenia.

A total of 4 workshops were implemented with 4 different communities in North Macedonia and it involved different stakeholders: educational providers, local institution, private/business company.
The aim of these workshops was to collect different ideas and impressions on how to achieve better recognition of non-Formal competences. The workshops also served as a tool of selection for the young participants for the Youth Exchange.

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