CID’s Team Building training for Digital Youth Activists

September caught us preparing to deliver the first activity from the project Digital Youth Activists.

The training was held from 16 to 20 of September in Ohrid and offered a space for 30 students from 6 high schools (3 Macedonians and 3 Albanians) in Kumanovo to build their competences on the topics of intercultural dialogue, human rights and team building. The group of 30 youngsters was mixed ensuring diversity based on sex, ethnicity, geographical location, religion etc.

The session activities varied in the form of quizzes, games, group work, discussions, presentations and other interactive approaches. The focus of the overall agenda and topics were designed for the participants to get to know each other, support each other, learn how to communicate with each other and to build them as one team that can work together throughout the project.

This training is going to be followed by two three-day interactive trainings, stay tuned and follow our work.

Following this here are some statements form the participants and their experience from the five days training:

“The training in Ohrid was very good and productive. I as intern had the opportunity to see how this kind of activities are organized and managed. In Ohrid we were 30 participants and it was very good atmosphere. We intern were participants but also had some tasks to do such as measuring temperatures before each session, starting sessions with energizers and helping every other participant when they needed something. In this project I gained much experience on the organizing side and managing bigger teams, but as well I enjoyed the teambuilding activities and I can wait to see the other activities planned for this project.” – Artin 18

“During my time on the training in Ohrid I had an amazing time learning new things and making friends. There were mostly team-building activities where we would learn new things about each other and also discussing different topics and issues in our city. We also discussed about human rights and what they mean to every individual and to us. This was just the beginning, I am so excited for the next activities!” – Milena, 16

For more photos you can check the link.

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