CID’s Roundtable event [CID Academy 2019]

As a part of the project Promoting Youth Activism in Multiethnic Communities on 3rd March we organized a roundtable event. This event gathered the Youth Call Leaders and the stakeholders on mutual discussion on the needs and ideas of the young people and what the stakeholders can do to support them.

The Youth Call Leaders had a chance to present the 5 initiatives that they had implemented in the period December-February. The 5 initiatives are the following:

  • Girl up – It’s a movement to advance girl’s skills, rights and opportunities to be leaders. This group on young people had already organized three meetings on different topics such as: First meeting for getting to know the club, Meeting for celebrating the international day of woman in sports and the meeting for organizing an event for celebration of the international woman day.
  • Human Rights and Scouting – together with the scouts from Kumanovo we organized two workshops for human rights in the municipality Staro Nagoricane with young people from the primary school “Svetozar Markovikj”.
  • Creative and critical writing – we organized a workshop “from creative and critical writing in High School Gymnasia “Goce Delcev.
  • Social challenges of a young person in our country – we organized a contest for best written essay on the theme “Social challenges of a young person in our country”, the contest was held in High School “Pero Nakov” – Albanian classes.
  • Freedom of movement applies to all – we filmed a video for raising awareness for all of the obstacles that people with disabilities are facing in our community. You can check the video on this link

After the presentation of the initiative the stakeholders together with young people open a discussion about what the young people need so they can continue with the initiatives and how the stakeholders can help them to implement their ideas. The idea of this event is to provide support and financial sustainability for the Youth Call so that it doesn’t finish with the end of this project, but to continue to be functional for other young people with ideas and initiatives to be able to use it.

The representatives from the high schools in Kumanovo offered their spaces from the school but as well as their own help for implementing the ideas of the Youth Call Leaders. And when it comes to the support of the municipality their representative shared with the young people that we now have a low for youth work, and in the next period we should expect a new youth center to be open in our town.

On this event we had a guest from the association Mladiinfo International, he presented us with the Youth Bank network. The Youth Bank is a youth program in the hands of an organization/institution that directs funds to projects that improve the life of the local community. Youth banks operate within local municipalities, they are financed by the local municipality, the private business and the NGO’s. This program is similar with our project so we made a decision to become part of this network.

For more photos of the event click on the link.

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