News from OTB November 2020

The last month brought a lot of news for the Out of the Box office. It was a month of new faces, new activities and the start of planning for a new period.

During the past few weeks we have been involved in preliminary / kick-off meetings for SLUSIK, CREST, TAPROOM, Climate Box and Community Challengers projects. We look forward to working in an environment more diverse than ever before.

Furthermore, prior to the end of the year, we have kicked off the process of preparing for the planning period of 2021-2025, following our introduction of Out of the Box Manifesto and with the upcoming introduction of the 4 policy position papers. In light of this, we will be setting in motion changes in our priorities, introducing the 4 main areas of activity:

  1. Alternative Democracies
  2. Fresh Ideas for Social Cohesion and Solidarity Policies
  3. Economy With Social Mission
  4. Sustainability Incubator

Finally, it is our great pleasure to introduce a new face in our office – our Financial and Administrative Officer, Malaz Safarjalani. He studied Financial Management in Damascus and later European Business Economics in the College of Europe, Bruges. He worked with EU funded projects in several startups and non-profits between Brussels and London. He enjoys swimming and bike mechanics. His areas of expertise include development aid, life-long learning, social cohesion, higher education development and internationalisation.  Malaz has been an invaluable addition to our expanding team and we are looking forward to his new energy in our future work.

We hope the next month will bring us more new things to explore!

Our best regards,

OTB Team

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