OTB’s “Climate Education for Disadvantaged Adults” – report

Out of the Box international, in collaboration with 6 partners from Germany (BUPNET), Spain (Caminos), Bulgaria (Catro), Austria (Die Berater) and Italy (CESIE), has recently launched “Climate Education for Disadvantaged Adults” report, the 1st intellectual output of the Climate Box project, co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.

The report is a result of substantial desk research in all participating countries formed from two elements: the collection of good practices and qualitative interviews with educational and social professionals on the topic of the learning needs of disadvantaged adults, most relevant climate topics and suitable pedagogical and methodological approaches.

The findings of the research show that climate change is recognised as an important issue in all partner countries. Even though political actions are steering the adaptation of the economies and the change of citizens’ behaviour for less damaging to the environment, the climate protection actions are either partial and not systematic and or inconclusive. The widespread use of fossil fuels, high levels of personal consumption, growing amounts of waste, and air pollution are the major problems to be concerned. In addition to that, it has shown that older, less educated and poorer citizens have a different sort of priorities, with everyday issues.

The Climate Box Project will impact these obstacles and strengthen the climate awareness among disadvantaged groups of people by providing simple, entertaining and easy-to-understand learning materials, and the partners have successfully completed the first task in achieving this goal. The report provided recommendations on the structure, content and methodology of the Climate Box: Training materials which are now under development.

Sabine Wieman from BUPNET has noted the need to strengthen the climate awareness among disadvantaged groups of people by providing simple, entertaining and easy-to-understand learning materials.

Dimitar Zlatanov, representing CATRO Bulgaria, has commended the successful completion of the task, emphasizing the importance of providing recommendations on the structure, content and methodology of the Climate Box: Training materials which are now being developed.

Climate Box is executed transnationally in order to develop a comprehensive product that is applicable to disadvantaged adults and education stakeholders at EU level.

For more information visit Climate Box website here.

The Climate Box Project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, is led by BUPNET (Germany) in collaboration with Out of the Box (Belgium), Caminos (Spain), CATRO (Bulgaria), Die Berater (Austria) and CESIE (Italy).

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