OTB’s SLUSIK State of the Art Report

The SLUSIK Partners are happy to present the state-of-the-art report, published on the 20th of September, 2021. This report aims to further explore the concept of service-learning outside of the higher education setting, to analyse the existing service-learning models, types and practices within and outside of the SLUSIK consortium (but still only within European countries), thus to set the grounds for adapting the existing models from higher education institutions in order to create new ones for the secondary schools to be tested.

The report itself is an outcome of several stages of research and analysis that included desk-top research, development of questionnaires and conducting small-scale studies among academics and other educational professionals, development of interview protocol and conducting interviews with academics and previous research analysis and literature review on the service-learning.

Check it out here:

The SLUSIK State-of-the-Art report is the main outcome of WP2: Service-learning models – research and state of the art around Europe, in which the partners

– conducted desk research on already existing models for service learning around Europe with the inclusion of the aspect of the EU related policies,recommendations and already funded projects.
– developed questionnaire focusing on different aspects of service learning implemented in communities to be used in order to receive information regarding implementation of the curricula and the challenges faced in order to incorporate potential solutions

– conducted interviews with practitioners implementing service learning around Europe in order to gather additional data and evidence for the report;

– created the report based on the activities above – an in-depth analysis on the existing practices and curricula in service learning with an additional reflection on the EU related policies, recommendations and results of already funded projects in order to avoid repetition and create synergies.

The SLUSIK Project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, is led by the CEV (Belgium) in collaboration with Out of the Box International (Belgium), Rijeka University (Croatia) , University of Limerick (Ireland), University of Granada (Spain), University College of Teacher Education, Vienna (Austria), Matej Bel University (Slovakia).

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