YEU’s EduSports: Sports Policy Research has launched

In July 2021 our EduSports project officially entered the second phase of implementation: the “Sports Policy Research”. The purpose of the project is to integrate and combine sports activities with education tools, according to the ETS – Education Through Sport methodology, which is key to promoting well-being and health among youngsters. Therefore, the Sports Policy Research will support skills development and the use of sport-based education within the network of YEU and beyond.

To make this possible, partners committed to jointly elaborate an online survey about ETS – methodology. The survey will be delivered to youth workers, trainers, youth and sport organizations and will investigate the ongoing relationship between sports practice and non-formal education activities. The outcome of the survey will be the basis to create a dedicated manual of good practices and guidelines, which is one of the project’s core objectives.

EduSports is a 24-month project funded by the European Commission, which gathers five transnational partners: United Societies of Balkans from Greece; MOJU from Portugal; Armenian Progressive Youth from Armenia; Klub Zegralski Horn Krakow from Poland; and YEU of course. The Sport Policy Research survey will be delivered during August 2021 and results will be analysed and discussed during the transnational meeting, which will take place in October 2021 in Thessaloniki. Follow us for news and updates!

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