YEU News: European Union Youth Conference 2020

The first ever online European Union Youth Conference took place last weekend in the scope of the European Union Youth Dialogue. From the 2nd until the 6th October, 150 participants from all over Europe, from a wide range of backgrounds participated in the dialogue organised by the German Federal Youth Council, the German presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Youth Forum, the European Commission and the European Steering Group. Ismael Páez Civico representing YEU International participated in the conference.

This conference was the kickstart of a new cycle focusing on Youth Goal 9 “Space and Participation for all” that will then be followed up by Portugal and Slovenia in the scope of the trio-presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The actors of this conference were representatives from INGYOs, National Youth Councils, National Ministries for youth, European Youth Forum, Council of the European Union and many other institutions and stakeholders in the youth field. Some opening statements were made from important people like Ursula Von der Leyen and Angela Merkel. The German Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth was also a key actor in the process when it came to the cooperation between the ministries in charge for youth during the trio presidency. More important figures like Mariya Gabriel the EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth; João Paolo Rebelo the Portuguese Secretary of State for Youth and Sport; Dr Simona Kustec the Slovenian Minister for Education, Science and Youth and so many others participated in the dialogue with young people.

The dialogue was structured through different small workshops, organized and led by young people themselves to discuss the issues young people are facing when it comes to a meaningful participation in all sectors of society. Methodologies, tools and approaches were discussed and modified, translated into policy demands presented on the last day that will be assessed by the European Steering Group and sent as official and feasible measures that can assure to improve the representation of young people in decision-making.

Throughout the year many activities will be organised by YEU, INGYOs and National Youth Councils to create a dialogue with young people on a grass root level in order to gather their input, ideas and demands that will be communicated then again to decision makers and be the source of new policy to improve the lives of young people.

To conclude, you can see some videos of the conference here, and read some more articles here by clicking here.

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