KSA News: 36 Sungura Scouts from Kiambu County join Scouting Fraternity.

In a quest to creating a better would, 36 Sungura #Scouts from Kiambu County joined the world wide fraternity of Scouting on June 19th 2021 at PCEA church in Kangoya through an investiture ceremony conducted by the Programme Officer at the Association Ms. Daisy Achieng.

The Scouts received full Scout uniforms from Compassion International who are in partnership with the Kenya Scouts Association to holistically nature young people in the country.

Speaking at the event Ms Daisy urged Scout Leaders to support the young ones and ensure they achieving their highest badge in their various sections because it is through this that they learn and are natured into responsible citizens of this country.

“Do your best as per your Scout promise”, urged Ms. Catherine Mbuthya from compassion International who further thanked the #kenya #Scouts Association for their support to the development of children through partnership with churches. “We advocate for children through a holistic approach to child development, by carefully blending physical, social, economic and spiritual care”, she added.

Mr Kinywa Ayub the Chairperson of PCEA Kangoya applauded Scouts all over the country for being role models to their peers especially in the area of discipline and assured the Sungura Scouts that joining the movement will transform their lives.

The Association has as part of its strategic plan the increased access of the Scout Programme to more young people across the country and has adopted increased recruitment as one of the strategic pillars to achieve this.

“Through similar initiatives young people are joining the Association and consuming the Scout Programme which is transformative in nature. These newly invested Scouts join the over 2.1 Million Scouts in the country who have purposed to make a difference in not only their lives through the acquisition of various skills and knowledge but also in their communities”, said Ms Omala the Communications Officer at the Association.

The Scout Programme Commissioner for Kiambu County Ms Benadictor Muchiri urged the invested Scouts to remember to keep their promise and law at all times and thanked Mr Joseph Otundo, Sub County Scouts Commissioner Ruiru for being at the fore front in the recruitment of Scouts.

An Investiture is a ceremony where a Scout is admitted into the worldwide fraternity of the Scout movement after passing all the pre-investiture tests and is allowed to wear the Scouts uniform.

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