JEF Europe News: 82 civil society organisations are calling for a better Europe

The High Level Conference on Civil Society and the Future of Europe, organised by Civil Society Europe concluded the work of #Civil Society Convention for the Conference on the Future of Europe.

80 + organisations welcomed the conclusions adopted at the end of the Conference on the Future of Europe and called for ambitious and immediate efforts to implement them, thereby, the final declaration was presented. Among the requests, we want to highlight this main points:

– We call for a Convention for the revision of the EU Treaties, to strengthen European competences, overcome the national veto and allow the EU to respond quickly and effectively enough to citizens’ requests and needs

– The EU should complete the reform of EU electoral law, following an initiative of the European Parliament, to enable, for instance, transnational electoral lists and grant the right to vote from the age of 16

– The EU should also upscale EU enlargement efforts because Europe extends far beyond the EU and the values that Europe stands for need to be preserved more than ever in these dramatic times, in order to ensure a secure geopolitical landscape in Europe

Read the declaration here!

Contact information

Antonio Argenziano

Young European Federalists

Rue d’Arlon 53, 1040 Brussels

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