JEF Europe’s Open letter: The Czech Presidency must seize the momentum for EU reform

Dear Prime Minister Fiala,                                                                                                                                                                                 

Dear Minister Bek,

We are writing to you on behalf of a non-governmental organisation gathering over 10,000 young activists advocating for a more united and democratic Europe. We believe that the period of reflection as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe and the Russian war in Ukraine have opened up a new chapter in Europe’s history. The Czech Presidency of the EU Council must seize this opportunity to provide the necessary impetus for the Union’s further development.

In this context, we are formally requesting you to do everything in your power to: 

  • implement the EU citizens’ demands formulated during the Conference in order to make the EU more united, democratic and effective, 
  • strengthen pan-EU democracy through the European electoral law reform, and 
  • reinvigorate the enlargement process to ensure peace on the continent.

Among many other ambitious proposals, the Conference recommended reopening the discussion on a European Constitution, facilitating pan-European democracy, reinforce the legislative and budgetary role of the European Parliament, replacing unanimity with qualified majority in decision making, better protection of the fundamental values and developing new EU competencies in health, security and social affairs. 

The EU electoral law reform is necessary to strengthen the pan-European dimension of the Parliament elections. Faced with increasing cross-border and global challenges, the EU needs a truly European democratic space to prepare a collective and citizen-centred response beyond country-specific solutions.

The qualitative development of the EU must be also complemented by the Union’s enlargement. A clear and credible accession roadmap should be presented to the current EU candidates and pre-accession countries in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership to answer their rightful European aspirations while countering Russia’s imperialism.

The implementation of these proposals can be achieved by prompting the European Council to launch a Treaty change Convention as requested by the European Parliament, following up on the EU electoral law proposal to ensure it is adopted at least a year before the European Elections 2024, and facilitating the necessary compromises in the EU Council to start accession negotiations with EU candidates.

We remain at your disposal should you wish to discuss our proposals.

Yours sincerely,

Antonio Argenziano                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tomáš Starý
President, JEF Europe                                                                                                                                                                                         President, JEF Czech Republic                                                                                                                                                                                 

Letter in Czech

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