JEF Europe’s Press statement From the Convention to the Political Union: time for a federal EU!

Strasbourg, 9.05.2022

Key points:

  • On 9th May, the Presidents of the European institutions concluded the Conference on the Future of Europe, committing to implementing its proposals as soon as possible, including through Treaty change.
  • Two days before, more than 1,000 people joined JEF’s March for Europe, calling for a democratic European Federation as part of the Strasbourg Summit.
  • JEF Europe will remain at the forefront of the citizen-led movement for EU reform that has been born during the Conference.

It’s a historical day for Europe. On 9th May, the Conference on the Future of Europe concluded in a ceremony where the representatives of the EU institutions stressed their dedication to implementing the proposals adopted in the process, including through treaty change. President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola announced her institution would call for a Convention to bridge the gap between what citizens want from Europe and what it is currently able to deliver. This demand was seconded by President of France Emmanuel Macron who promised to push for a more united Europe among a coalition of the willing member states if necessary and proposed the creation of a European Political Community gathering all nations sharing the EU’s values like Ukraine. President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen also declared her support for revising the Treaties if needed, stressing that EU reform cannot be delayed any further.

Two days before, more than 1,000 people joined our March for Europe, calling for a democratic European Federation. The crowd shouted “Federazione Europea subito!”, “L’Europe fédérale maintenant!”, “Federal Europe right-now!”, and “Ukrayina tse Yevropa”, waving the flags of the federalist movement, the EU and Ukraine. The March was part of the Strasbourg Summit held between 5-8 May 2022, which gathered over 70 civil society organisations, MEPs and citizens. The event highlighted civil society’s dedication to EU reform towards more unity and democracy following the Conference.

During both events, a strong commitment was made to follow up on the Conference proposals, including by convening a Convention to revise the EU Treaties. “While some of the recommendations can be implemented within the current institutional framework, many of them require changing the intergovernmental status quo in Europe, which entails the need for a European Constitution or at least a comprehensive Treaty revision through a Convention”, explains Antonio Argenziano, President of JEF Europe. “This is the only way we can give the EU the additional powers it needs to promote its values at home and abroad while serving its citizens better”, he adds.

Last week, the Conference adopted a series of recommendations which clearly show that European citizens demand more unity and democracy on the continent. The proposals include a call for reopening the discussion on a European Constitution, strengthening the role of the European Parliament and moving to qualified majority in all decisions that currently require unanimity. “It is visible that when consulted directly, citizens are ‘simply a generation ahead’; we will continue our fight for making their European dreams a reality following the Conference!”, concludes Argenziano.

About JEF Europe

The Young European Federalists (JEF Europe) is a political youth NGO advocating for the creation of a democratic European federation as a guarantee for peace, the rule of law and human rights. JEF Europe promotes true European citizenship, works for the widening and deepening of the European Union and strives for a more just and integrated society on the European continent. Established in 1972, the organisation has more than 10,000 activists organised in over 250 national, regional and local sections in 31 countries. The ideals and aims of JEF Europe are defined in the Manifesto of Ventotene, the Political Platform and resolutions adopted by its statutory bodies.

Previous positions on EU reform

Contact information

Antonio Argenziano, President

Young European Federalists

Rue d’Arlon 53, 1040 Brussels

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