“Our fight for democracy continues”: JEF Europe marks the 15th anniversary of Democracy under Pressure

Brussels, 18.03.2021

Key points:

  • Between 18-25 March 2021, JEF Europe is marking the 15th anniversary of its Democracy under Pressure (DuP) campaign with an Action Week. 
  • The Action Week has been preceded by solidarity actions with Belarusian and Russian dissidents as well as a series of online talks about the state of democracy in 8 European countries.
  • Democracy cannot be taken for granted and the resurgence of authoritarianism in Europe calls for meaningful action led by European citizens and institutions. 
  • The EU should defend its fundamental values more effectively at home and abroad; in the longer-term, a democratic European Federation can guarantee peace and human rights on the continent.

A campaign turning 15 years old is already quite special to any NGO, but it is even more remarkable for a youth NGO as this means that even more generations of members have been involved: JEF Europe is organising the 15th anniversary of its annual action “Democracy under Pressure” (18 – 25 March, 2021). “Since 2006, we have been speaking loudly for those who are silenced and we do not intend to give up”, explains JEF Europe President Leonie Martin. The initiative offers space to denounce authoritarianism in all its forms, show solidarity with those who are at the frontlines of the fight for freedom, and raise public awareness of contemporary threats to democracy.

Over the past weeks, we have joined forces with organisations and activists from across the political spectrum. United in our belief in democracy, we denounced the increasingly violent authoritarian regimes in Belarus and Russia by organising solidarity actions with dissidents and we have sent letters to political prisoners. Together with the Council of European Municipalities and Regions we are calling on municipalities to join the support for a democratic Belarus. In a series of online talks, our members and partners have discussed democratic challenges in Hungary, Serbia, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Russia, Malta and Turkey. While the Acton Week is the culmination of the campaign, our fight for democracy continues.

Democratic principles, the rule of law and human rights cannot be taken for granted anywhere. Democracy is not a fixed state but an ongoing process involving all of us, whether we cast our ballots, demonstrate against dictatorships or disprove fake news on social media. When democracy is under pressure and the future of the continent is being taken away from us, we speak up for those who are silenced.

Democracy under Pressure started in 2006 as a Free Belarus action. At that time, Belarus was considered the “last dictatorship” in Europe and many hoped it would remain an isolated and short-lived case. In recent years however, the European and global political landscape has been tainted by the resurgence of authoritarianism. The existing dictatorships have strengthened their grip over citizens, particularly during the pandemic, and numerous stains have appeared even on the fabrics of ‘stable’ democracies. Human fears triggered by an insufficient pan-European response to economic, migratory and social crises have created a fertile ground for political cynicism, empowering those eager to appropriate and limit the democratic stage. 

In this challenging environment, Europe remains divided and therefore unable to stand up for its fundamental values at home and promote them in a multipolar world. To preserve democracy for the future generations, the European Union must use current tools and acquire better ones to defend its fundamental values. A comprehensive and regular review mechanism of democratic standards, the rule of law and fundamental rights must be put in place to prevent further backsliding, while an effective global action is needed to promote these values. Yet, even these solutions are just temporary fixes – the European Union will not be able to realize democracy, social justice and peace in the long-term unless it unites as a democratic federation that can effectively guarantee the rights and freedoms of all its citizens without further compromises. 

Join our street and online actions in one of the European cities between 18-25 March and raise awareness on social media by using the hashtag #DemocracyunderPressure.

About JEF Europe

The Young European Federalists (JEF) Europe is a non-partisan youth NGO with 10,000  members active in over 30 countries. The organisation strives towards a federal Europe based on the principles of democracy and subsidiarity as well as respect for human rights. JEF promotes true European Citizenship, and works towards more active participation of young people in democratic life. While the umbrella organisation JEF Europe was founded in 1972, its sections have been operating continuously since the end of the Second World War, making it the oldest pro-European and only federalist youth organisation.

JEF on democracy and the rule of law

Contact information

Diletta Alese, Executive Board Member

Young European Federalists

Rue d’Arlon 53, 1040 Brussels


Christelle Savall, Executive Board Member

Young European Federalists

Rue d’Arlon 53, 1040 Brussels


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