Youth SDGs and COVID-19

The project “Youth access to rights through implementing the SDGs – Youth SDGs” officially started at 1st of November 2019. However, with the start of the project also started the Coronavirus epidemic, later pandemic and completely changed our plans. We were all unprepared, looking for solutions and ways how we can implement all of our project activities. Unfortunately the situation got serious really fast, and soon we were all in lockdowns in our homes. All of our projects were on standby, including Youth SDGs.

This was a new situation that we all needed to get used to. As time went by, we adjusted our work to the new conditions and continued working online. We were spending hours and hours in front of our computers, attending meetings, trainings, informal coffee breaks etc. We began a new fashion trend, nice work clothes at the top and PJs at the bottom. However, our experience from all of these activities was that the face-to-face interaction was missing.

Another year went by, some of us got infected, some of us got vaccinated, and all of us were ready to get back to our “normal” everyday activities. That’s why we are starting the preparation phase for the youth exchange “Youth and SDGs” in Nadi, Fiji. At the moment we are collecting information about travel conditions and restrictions for all of our participants, to see if our plan to organize it in the second half of May is possible. We are optimistically expecting positive responses from the participants.

Stay tuned, this project has a lot to offer.

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