Out of the Box International is proud to announce the successful conclusion of the YUPAD Fair. The event was held on May 30 2022, in Lodzkie House, Square Maire Louise 2, Brussels, and gathered 10 partners: OTB (Belgium), Union of the Baltic Cities (Poland), CESIE (Italy), CSI (Cyprus), SÜDWIND (Austria), RD IKSD (Latvia), OPENS (Serbia), IED (Greece), XWHY and VYTAUTAS MAGNUS University (Lithuania), to showcase promising practices from the “YUPAD Recipes”. Partners shared a video collection showcasing the experiences of cities in participatory youth budgets. From Belgium, Bram Dewolfs, President of Urban Foxes and Director of the Academy for Urban Action, shared his experience with the partners.

The “YUPAD Recipes gather needs analyses, conducted during the project development phase based on the trends and new developments in the area of participative budgets and Big Data.

The YUPAD project aims to enable young people to understand, practice, and influence youth participatory budgets across European cities.

We will soon kick of the next stage of the project and develop:

  • YUPAD Curricula for Educators and PolicyMakers – Youth participation and youth policies on European and local level guide to understanding youth participatory budgets, including promising practices and new tools;
  • YUPAD Calculator – Youth Participatory Budget Platform;
  • YUPAD Bees Methodology – the methodology for the development of concrete projects or initiatives suggested within the calculator.

We are delighted to be coordinating this project and are very thankful for the partners and their valuable contribution and cooperation.

We will keep you up to date with the activities and results of the project as there will be a lot more interesting development yet to come.

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