CID’s Networking events in Kumanovo and Tearce in the framework of the project Local Youth Participation Matters

In May we have continued with the networking events within the project “(Local) Youth Participation Matters”. The networking events were held in Kumanovo and Tearce.

On May 19th 2022 it was held the networking event in Kumanovo. Among the guests was the Youth Officer in the Municipality of Kumanovo – Martin Krstikj who spoke about the municipal engagement within the project, together with the project coordinator Tamara Petkovska who shared insights about the project and possible engagement of the attendees.

Similarly, there was another networking event in Tearce, on May 25th 2022. There, the Mayor Nuhi Neziri greeted the attendees and expressed the municipal support and engagement. Tamara Petkovska – the project coordinator and Ardita Asani – the representative from the local partner organization shared the information regarding the project and the local support that the attendees may receive in order to engage within the project activities.

In both events, among the attendees there were the representatives from the local youth NGOs, youth party wings and the municipalities wo are the final beneficiaries of the project activities.

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