YEU’s KidActions Policy Forum

On November 22, 2022 the KID_ACTIONS Project Partners gathered in Brussels for the second KID_ACTIONS EU Policy, Research and Practitioners Forum. This Policy Forum followed an hybrid format, thus allowing participants to join online and onsite, at the EU Representation of Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino in Brussels. 

The KID_ACTIONS Policy Forum gathered policymakers, researchers, industry partners, practitioners, to discuss together how to prevent, detect and respond to cyberbullying. The goal of this event was to not only disseminate the results of the project, but also to secure a safer and more empowering digital environment for children and young people. 

The keynote speaker in the KID_ACTIONS Policy Forum was Deborah Vassallo, the Service Area Leader at BeSmartOnline!, from Malta who shared the work of the helpline with a specific focus on cyberbullying cases and counselling, as well as the awareness raising and social media campaigns.

Following the presentation of the KID_ACTIONS Digital Educational Platform and Educational Toolkits by the project coordinator, Sara Tonelli, the first panel of the Forum discussed these outputs, getting inputs from the main beneficiaries of the KID_ACTIONS project: young people and their educators, who have been involved in the co-creation process of these tools. 

In the second half of the day, the audience got to learn about the Policy Recommendations that have been developed throughout the project, particularly with the support of the members of the KID_ACTIONS Lab, which gathered different stakeholders – including educators, youth workers, industry representatives and young people -who provided their input and experiences for the co-creation of these policy recommendations. 

Finally, the participants talked about the future of cyberbullying and the project partners had the opportunity to share their experiences and lessons learned during the KID_ACTIONS Project.

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