YEU’s Edusport Meeting in Armenia

From the 18th to the 21st of April the third Transnational Partners Meeting of Edusport Project took place in Armenia. Our Member Organization and project partner APY hosted the meeting in Dilijan, a wonderful venue located in the heart of Caucasus, one hour away from the capital city Yerevan. Six months after the last face-to-face meeting – which happened in Thessaloniki in September 2021 – partners had the chance to gather, evaluate the work done so far and plan the next steps of the project. In particular, attention has been paid to the writing of the Manual on Education Through Sport (ETS) Methodology, which will serve as a toolkit for youth organisations, trainers, youth workers and volunteers to integrate sport in their daily work activities. Also, partners discussed the second online campaign that will raise awareness about the European Week of Sport and its fundamental values. 

Edusport is a Project funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme and involves 5 partner organisations from five different countries (APY from Armenia, Moju from Portugal, United Societies of Balkand from Greece, YEU from Belgium and Zeglarski Klub Horn Krakow from Poland. The Project aims at integrating and combining sports activities with education tools, according to the ETS – Education Through Sport methodology, which is key to promoting well-being and health among youngsters. After the Policy Research conducted in the first part of the Project, now partners are currently committed to the creation of the Manual, which will be presented and disseminated at the end of the Summer.

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