YEU News: Welcome back, face to face activities!

After months of online meetings due to Covid-19, our face to face activities have finally started again and, since we missed it so much, we decided to make it double! On the 27th of March, in fact, two YEU events began in the marvelous and sunny city of Thessaloniki – Greece: the first Training Course of Plan-B project and the second face-to-face youth exchange of Brave New YOU – Reloaded, after the first in Metlika – Slovenia, last September. What about these projects and what is actually happening on the Aegean Sea’s coasts?

Plan-B – strengthening resilience of youth organisations is a project funded by the European Youth Foundation that aims at preparing organisations and youth workers to be resilient and agile, to organise their work and work with beneficiaries by thinking several steps ahead: in such a time of crisis and uncertainty, in fact, organisations need to have a Plan B. Our great team of trainers, composed by Marija Pantelic, Igor Jojkic, Carlos Matos Dos Reis and Valentina Antic (as educational coordinator) is currently working with a group of 20 participants coming from 10 different countries for a 4-day Training Course: participants are reflecting on their own organisations’ situation, sharing experiences and challenges, and will be guided to come up with new strategies, well developed risk assessments and solutions.

Brave New YOU – reloaded, instead, is moving its last steps: the project, funded by EACEA, aims at combating and challenging hateful narratives against disadvantaged and marginalized groups in society, to turn them into inclusive and positive ones. In this second face-to-face (and last) Youth Exchange, 50 participants from 10 different countries are sharing their experience and the work done at the local level to build more inclusive communities and fight discrimination. The great team of trainers, composed by Tamara Ctvetkovic, Jelena Karac, Yannis Tsotsos, Murat MIslimi and Valentina Antic (as educational coordinator) are leading the activities and preparing the group for the big dissemination event which will take place in Brussels from the 7th to the 12th of May.

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