YEU’s Level Up! Partners Meeting

The project LEVEL UP! Life after Mobility aims to develop and promote innovative tools and efficient strategies to support the follow-up of international mobilities at the local level, trying to engage young people who take part in similar experiences to get more active within their own communities, and to have the chance to convey their learnings and newly gained expertise/competencies to improve their own realities. The project intends to support the capacity building of youth workers and youth organisations to implement effective follow up strategies and to ensure the local impact of international mobilities.

In order to achieve this purpose, the project partners are working on the development of an Online Platform – Digitalise It! -, which intends to provide young people and organisations with an online space where young people can “match” with opportunities on the local level, based on their competencies, resulting in an online community where the experiences and competencies that arise from international mobilities are valued. 

Moreover, the project partners are also preparing a publication that will encompass the results of research regarding good practices for following up on learning mobilities, as well as a step by step guide for Digitalise It!.

At the end of October 2021 the project partners met online to discuss the progress of the project during the year and the next steps for LEVEL UP. During this meeting the partners had the opportunity to address the development of the Online Platform for the project – Digitalise It!, the development of the publication, and the training course happening in Portugal, in February 2022.

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