YEU took part in European Youth Forum Workshop with DG EAC – Environmental sustainability – education and training

YEU took part in the workshop that European Youth Forum organised with the European Commission (DG EAC) on their new proposal for a recommendation on education for environmental sustainability for learners of all ages and at all levels of education, which took place online on the 14th of June.

During the workshop, Ulrike PISIOTIS and HODSON Deirdre from the Directorate- General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture Unit Schools and Multilingualism, provided information on the consultation process.

The participants were then divided into working groups and discussed the following topics, which were later on presented on plenary.

Q1: What is the current state of play in teaching sustainability in formal education? Are the teachers well trained? Is this topic addressed enough, is the content in the curricula relevant? How are youth organisations fostering learning about sustainability? Which impact does this engagement have?

Q2: What are the gaps in education around environmental sustainability overall? How could youth organisations be better supported in their work on sustainability? Anything that could be further achieved if there is more support?

Q3: How do you think sustainability should be learnt in formal and non-formal education? Presentation of the outcomes of the workshops Wrap-up and closing.

The input European Youth Forum received was integrated into their feedback for the proposal for a recommendation on education for environmental sustainability in education, which can be found here

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