YEU’s First Online Youth Exchange: GamifyEU Youth Exchange!

The GamifyEU Youth Exchange took place during the end of November and half of December.

We were quite expectant since this would be our first online youth exchange, but it turned out to be pretty great! Participants from Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Italy and Portugal met during the two Zoom calls, where the real exchange took place. They shared the activities they did during the lockdown, commented which was their favourite TV series, and taught each other different words in their native language, so by the end of the session they knew many new words. Besides, they learnt about the 11 youth goals developed by the European Commission and took part in creative group work, which resulted in creating poems, speeches, memes and more.

One of the Youth Exchange activities consisted of making videos about the European Union of their dreams. Our young participants explained how they see it in the future: “a more democratic Europe, inclusive, where young’s voices are heard, and everyone has the same rights” were some of their messages. You can watch their dreams here.

Our participants made a series of memes on various topics such as the history of the EU, human rights, what would happen if the EU didn’t exist and more! We are sure they had a great time thinking about the ideas while creating them. Many of them are hilarious, so we have collected some for you to see: memes of Italy – memes of Belgium – memes of Estonia – memes of Bulgaria – memes of Portugal.

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