YEU’s Level Up! training course

During November and December 2020, the online training course Capacity Building of Youth Workers has been implemented as part of the project “LEVEL UP! Life After Mobility”.

The project “LEVEL UP! Life after mobility” is coordinated by Active Bulgarian Society (ABS) with the support of 3 other partners: Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) from Belgium, United Society of Balkans (USB) from Greece, and DYPALL from Portugal. The project aims to develop and promote innovative tools and efficient strategies to support follow up of international mobilities at the local level, engaging young people who take part in similar experiences to get more active within their communities and to have the chance to convey their learnings and newly gained expertise/competencies to improve their realities.

The training course consisted of eight different sessions from the 25th of November to the 17th of December and involved 20 participants from the different countries involved in the project. It focused on capacity building activities on ensuring local impact and local engagement of young people taking part in European and international mobilities through effective follow-up strategies.

Together, the 20 youth workers discussed and shared their own expertise on the local impact of learning mobilities and possible and efficient follow-up strategies and activities. They analysed the barriers that stop young people from engaging at the local level, suggesting strategies and solutions to overcome them.

Particular attention was paid to the digitalisation and the analysis of the Mobilities and EU programmes before and after COVID, to understand better what are the changes in the youth field.

The training was coordinated by DYPALL team, and the methodology used was Non-formal education.

The outputs foreseen are the creation of a platform matching young people competencies with possibilities to engage at the local level and a publication that will encompass the results of the research phase and the training course.

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