JEF Europe’s Press statement | Our future won’t be vetoed. It’s time for Treaty change!

Key points:

  • The conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe and Russia’s war in Ukraine make it necessary to change the EU status quo.
  • The European Council on 23-24 June must follow the EU citizens’ call and launch a Treaty change Convention.
  • The national leaders should send a clear political signal to Ukraine and Moldova, endorsing their EU candidate status, while setting clear conditions for the candidacy of Georgia.

A crucial turning point for Europe is in front of us. After the European Parliament initiated the Treaty change process by adopting a resolution calling for a Convention on 9 June, the ball is in the European Council’s court. During their meeting between 23-24 June, the EU heads of state and government will have the historical opportunity to respond to the demands of the EU citizens expressed during the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) and to clarify the accession prospects of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.

The period of reflection as part of the Conference and the Russian war in Ukraine have opened up a new chapter in Europe’s history. Failing to follow-up on the Conference proposals would be a failure for European democracy. Now is the time for the European Council to play its role: to provide the EU with a political structure able to address citizens’ needs and to deal effectively with global challenges.

The national leaders are expected to adopt their position on the EU candidate status for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. We need to give a clear signal that their efforts to meet the accession criteria and sacrifices made in defending the EU’s values so far have not been in vain. More importantly, Russian imperialism in the region must be counterbalanced by the EU with credible enlargement prospects, which is especially crucial for war-torn Ukraine. 

The Conference recommended reopening the discussion on a European Constitution, facilitating pan-European democracy, strengthening the legislative and budgetary role of the European Parliament, getting rid of national vetoes in all decision-making, better protecting the fundamental values and developing new EU’s competencies in health, security and social affairs. These reforms need to be the starting point to go beyond a Union of States, and finally set up a Union of Citizens.

The European Parliament and the European Commission pledged their commitment to implementing the Conference proposals, including via treaty change. It’s now up to the governments to provide an answer, leaving vetoes in the past and finally saying ‘yes’ to European citizens’ needs, which means saying ‘yes’ to Europe.

About us

The Young European Federalists (JEF Europe) is a political youth NGO advocating for the creation of a democratic European federation as a guarantee for peace, the rule of law and human rights. JEF Europe promotes true European citizenship, works for the widening and deepening of the European Union and strives for a more just and integrated society on the European continent. Established in 1972, the organisation has more than 10,000 activists organised in over 250 national, regional and local sections in 31 countries. The ideals and aims of JEF Europe are defined in the Manifesto of Ventotene, the Political Platform and resolutions adopted by its statutory bodies.

The European Free Alliance youth (EFAy) is the political organisation that gathers the youth of Europe’s stateless nations, linguistic and national minorities. We strongly defend the right of every nation to choose their own political future by means of the right to self-determination. We also strive for a more progressive, equal and diverse Europe, where minoritized languages are protected and respected, and where all citizens are treated with dignity. We are a pro European organisation that believes in further European integration while moving the balance of power from the states to the regions, closer to the citizens. 

The European Liberal Youth (LYMEC) is a pan-European youth organisation seeking to promote liberal values throughout the EU as the youth organisation of the ALDE Party and its parliamentary group in the European Parliament (Renew Europe Group). We are present in 39 countries with 62 organisations. LYMEC is a vibrant community of young liberals from all over Europe. Since we have been founded our goal has been to actively work for a united liberal Europe but also to be present on issues impacting our continent and its citizens. Issues such as the war in Ukraine, Climate Change, Youth Unemployment and Digitalization. Our goal is a Europe that cooperates more, not less. A Europe that stands for freedom, peace, and prosperity.

The Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) is the European umbrella organisation for 36 Young Green organisations from all over the continent, comprising local ecological groups, student unions, youth wings of Green parties and Green Youth NGOs. In addition, we are also the independent, official youth wing of the European Green Party (EGP).

The International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY) is the global umbrella organisation of liberal youth and student organisations from around the world. Our central mission is outlined in our tagline: Globalising Freedom. In practice this means: We advocate for our liberal values at an international level by working through our partners and representing our Member’s views. We believe in the universality and indivisibility of human rights. Our work includes increasing capacity for democracy and liberalism through facilitating the exchange of ideas and best practice at events and online.

The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) is the biggest political youth organisation in the world, representing about 136 member organisations from more than 100 countries. It is the Youth of the Socialist International that brings together the socialist, social democratic and labour political youth organisations from around the world. IUSY is actively fighting for change all over the world for over 100 years now – founded in 1907, and re-organized after the Second World War in 1946 

The Young European Socialists (YES) – formerly ECOSY – is the biggest party political youth organisation in Europe. We unite the youth of socialist, social democratic and labour movements all over the continent to campaign and organise at the European level and to provide a forum for debate, advocacy, capacity-building and exchange for all European young socialist activists.

Previous positions

Contact information

Antonio Argenziano

Young European Federalists
Rue d’Arlon 53, 1040 Brussels

Amanda Kanange



Schönhauser Allee 141, 10437 Berlin

Adrian Fuentes Arevalo



Rue de la Pépinière 1, 1000, Brussels

Bruno Gonçalves

Secretary General


Amtshausgasse 4, 1050 Vienna

Dan-Aria Sucuri



Rue d’Idalie 11, 1050, Brussels

Ana Pirtskhalava

Secretary General


Rue Guimard 10-12, 1040 Brussels

Özgecan Kara

Secretary General


Rue du Taciturne 34 , 1000 Brussels

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